Community Service
Program Overview (Policy, procedure, and purpose of the program.)
Purpose: To prepare students for practical Christian service and outreach
Biblical Principle: Serve one another in love (Gal. 5:13-14)
Requirements: Students must complete 10 hours of community service per year, for a total of 40 hours, prior to May of their senior year. Students may opt to complete the service hours over a shorter period of time, if preapproved. (NOTE: Students currently enrolled as sophomores will complete 30 hours prior to graduation; students currently enrolled as juniors will complete 20 hours prior to graduation; students currently enrolled as seniors will complete 10 hours prior to graduation.)
Procedure: Students will receive information regarding the new policy at Back to School Night, and during the first week of school. Packets will be distributed to students, which provide guidelines and instructions for planning and implementing their service project/hours. A designated service hour coordinator (teacher or staff member) will maintain the appropriate forms, hold students accountable to completing their hours, and offer assistance to students as needed throughout the school year. Quarterly reports will be provided, by the coordinator, to the administrative team. These reports will show the names of students, the locations of their service projects, hours completed, and any other pertinent information about the service requirement. Upon completion of the intended service hours, the coordinator will make copies all of the appropriate documents. The administrative assistant will file a copy of the appropriate documents in each individual student’s CUM file.
Policy: Students may use hours that they intend to complete for CSF, Interact, NHS, and other on campus service learning organizations, if the appropriate forms are completed in advance of beginning the hours to be used to meet the school service requirement. Service hours may not be completed during school hours, if doing so compromises academic rigor in anyway. Athletes are encouraged to complete service hours during their off season, and during the summer session. Failure to complete service hours may result in loss of graduation privileges, as determined by the administrative team.
Getting Started (Guidelines for preparing for service learning and outreach.)
I. Assess your personal interests and time availability by asking yourself the following questions:
a. What gifts and talents do I possess that would benefit others?
b. What area of service would I enjoy doing?
c. What services have I already participated in?
i. Physically strong
ii. Computer savvy
iii. Artistic and Creative
iv. Great Sense of Humor
v. Active Listener
vi. Good Teacher
vii. Encouraging and Motivating
viii. Caring and Nurturing
ix. Excellent Student
x. Athletic
xi. Well Organized
xii. Other _________________________________
d. Do I prefer to work indoors or outdoors?
e. What age group do I prefer working with?
i. Children
ii. Adults
iii. Elderly
Service Project Planner
(Document to be completed when planning for, and obtaining approval of, an off-campus service project.)
Service Log
(Form to be used to record and verify service hours completed.)
Search for Local Christian Volunteer Opportunities
Victorville Rescue Mission
Victorville First Assembly
Apple Valley Hospital Volunteer Opportunities
Hesperia Volunteer Opportunities
Environmental Volunteers
Boys & Girls Club of Adelanto
Purpose: To prepare students for practical Christian service and outreach
Biblical Principle: Serve one another in love (Gal. 5:13-14)
Requirements: Students must complete 10 hours of community service per year, for a total of 40 hours, prior to May of their senior year. Students may opt to complete the service hours over a shorter period of time, if preapproved. (NOTE: Students currently enrolled as sophomores will complete 30 hours prior to graduation; students currently enrolled as juniors will complete 20 hours prior to graduation; students currently enrolled as seniors will complete 10 hours prior to graduation.)
Procedure: Students will receive information regarding the new policy at Back to School Night, and during the first week of school. Packets will be distributed to students, which provide guidelines and instructions for planning and implementing their service project/hours. A designated service hour coordinator (teacher or staff member) will maintain the appropriate forms, hold students accountable to completing their hours, and offer assistance to students as needed throughout the school year. Quarterly reports will be provided, by the coordinator, to the administrative team. These reports will show the names of students, the locations of their service projects, hours completed, and any other pertinent information about the service requirement. Upon completion of the intended service hours, the coordinator will make copies all of the appropriate documents. The administrative assistant will file a copy of the appropriate documents in each individual student’s CUM file.
Policy: Students may use hours that they intend to complete for CSF, Interact, NHS, and other on campus service learning organizations, if the appropriate forms are completed in advance of beginning the hours to be used to meet the school service requirement. Service hours may not be completed during school hours, if doing so compromises academic rigor in anyway. Athletes are encouraged to complete service hours during their off season, and during the summer session. Failure to complete service hours may result in loss of graduation privileges, as determined by the administrative team.
Getting Started (Guidelines for preparing for service learning and outreach.)
I. Assess your personal interests and time availability by asking yourself the following questions:
a. What gifts and talents do I possess that would benefit others?
b. What area of service would I enjoy doing?
c. What services have I already participated in?
i. Physically strong
ii. Computer savvy
iii. Artistic and Creative
iv. Great Sense of Humor
v. Active Listener
vi. Good Teacher
vii. Encouraging and Motivating
viii. Caring and Nurturing
ix. Excellent Student
x. Athletic
xi. Well Organized
xii. Other _________________________________
d. Do I prefer to work indoors or outdoors?
e. What age group do I prefer working with?
i. Children
ii. Adults
iii. Elderly
Service Project Planner
(Document to be completed when planning for, and obtaining approval of, an off-campus service project.)
Service Log
(Form to be used to record and verify service hours completed.)
Search for Local Christian Volunteer Opportunities
Victorville Rescue Mission
Victorville First Assembly
Apple Valley Hospital Volunteer Opportunities
Hesperia Volunteer Opportunities
Environmental Volunteers
Boys & Girls Club of Adelanto